Category Archives: Uncategorized

Anti-Aging hair care

I am going to try out these natural hair care products on my daughter and myself.

What do you think of my results?

For any info, search for a local Monat representative in your area.

Sneak more health in that salad

20130314-172921.jpg Here are a couple easy things to add in any salad, that enhance the flavor & add more health. The pic is of last night Caesar Salad with hemp hearts, ground flax, chia seeds, spinach & kale! My family & guests never have a clue that it’s so healthy. Now, if I could convince my dear friend, Donna, to allow me to publish her home-made Cesar Salad Dressing that’s to die for =) Until then, here are 7 easy recipes that you can make. Chow for now!

Essential Oils Basics!

I wish I would have read a blog like this years ago. I had no idea of the powers behind essential oils, how to use them, or what they were event used for, aside from aromatherapy. Marni Gallerneault has written a very informative post about Essential Oils Basics and she has graciously allowed me to share it with you all.

     Marni is a stay-at-home mom, she feeds her family Paleo-style, she writes a fantastic blog called Well Grounded Hopes, and she is also a newbie to the ForeverGreen Family.  Check her out, and enjoy the fabulous post that she put together for us!

Essential Oils Basics

by Mani Gallerneault, Well Grounded Hopes

I am so fascinated by the wide range of health benefits that essential oils offer us. The health benefits include supporting the immune system; fighting off bacteria, viruses, and infection; providing a way to detox your system; balancing your hormones; improving circulation; bringing mental clarity; providing pain relief; lessening depression symptoms; providing stress relief; and bringing digestive relief from things like gas and parasites. Because of the wide range of oils and their benefits, it can be very overwhelming to start learning how to use them. So many resources make it very complicated, even those that claim their guide is for beginners, and I get lost quickly. It would be a shame to miss out on the beauty and rejuvenation of essential oils simply because we couldn’t get through all the muddle. There is not enough room here to talk about each specific oil, and I actually avoid doing so on purpose so as to try to keep this as simple as can be. Here I attempt to cut it all down to the bare basics of what’s important, as much for you as for myself!

What Are They? Continue reading

Essential oils…Essentially the right choice!

Here’s some info about essential oils, why you choose them, and to let you know, that you should NOT use synthetics or “fragrance”, which can hide a long list of toxic chemicals.

Essential oils are concentrated liquids that contain the strong aroma compounds of various plants. They are typically extracted from the plant through distillation and give a highly fragrant scent if their pure form. They are taken from various parts of the plant, including flower petals, leaves, twigs, bark or skin of a fruit from the plant. The process of extraction can be a lengthy one and has to be done properly to maintain the integrity of the oil. While some cheaper or synthetic versions may be available, they do not have the same properties as the pure and natural essential oils.

Essential oils are widely used to naturally add scent to cosmetics, soaps, cleaners, etc. Depending on the scent and the plant that they come from, different oils are used to serve different purposes. Each oil features its own distinct qualities and aromas, and frequently used in conjunction with others to create a specific result, such as soothing anxiety and stress, easing nausea, or relieving headaches. For instance, lavender and chamomile essential oils can be used in baby care products to provide a natural calming effect.
While they can be most costly as an ingredient, it takes very few drops of an essential oil to create a positive effect on any formulation and provides a great alternative to using fragrance oils and perfumes.  At ForeverGreen, we are proud to say that we only use pure essential oils in all of our products.
Pam #: SN:

Happy New Year! Make a Choice. Make a Difference.

Happy New Year from OnlyGreen!

The last few months have been so fun, busy, stressful,  and I have also had many personal/family issues to work through. Finding time to complete my “To Do” list is right at the top of a long To Do list. lol. I would love to hear back from you about what kind of resolutions you’ve made, as well as if any of them include anything to do with Going Green &/or Healthy Living. Then, I will do my best to research and offer tips based on what my blog readers would like to see. Thanks.

I have made a choice to make a difference with my family’s daily product usage, the way we choose to toss things in the trash, and the impact I make on the Earth that I leave for future generations.

1 family making a difference + the millions of others = A Better Future for ALL Earthlings.

Just one moment & one decision at a time, that’s all it takes. I offer you a FREE Green consultation, right over the phone. When you have 10-15 minutes, just give me call, or use the contact page and send me your number with the best time to call you. I love to share how you CAN Go Green for Healthy Living, Save Money, and so much more. I just can’t guarantee that your life will ever be the same. The change is Great =)

From Pam #: SN:


Got Pesticides? See Below for EWG`s Dirty Dozen & Clean 15 F&V`s (Fruits & Veggies).

What’s on your fruits and Veggies?

Last year we wrote a blog post about the importance of properly washing your fruits and veggies. With our Garden Essentials sale this month, plus an update of The Environmental Working Group published list of the good and the bad in produce, we figured it was time for this info to be revisited! Continue reading

The Toxies Awards are on Tonight, in 1 hour.

They’ve put a little humor into EcoEducation! 60-80% of the products you apply to your skin WILL be absorbed. If you’re at all interested in learning about what kind of ingredients to stay away from I highly recommend checking out these live Toxies Awards on Video, tonight, or going to the website at a convenient time that suits your schedule, lol.

With the great focus being placed on harmful ingredients and why they’re bad, dangerous, and deserving of these awards, you’re sure to get some EcoEducation, a chuckle, and maybe even chuck a few of your products out YOUR door! Here’s the link:

Have a Green day, Everyday!

P: 780-296-4723| E: | SN: Facebook Twitter

Green Living Tips to $ave money, time, & the Environment.

I am always looking for ways to $ave money while Going Green & it’s my job helping others do it to. It’s very rewarding for the Environment, our homes, our pockets, and for all Earthlings alike.

I have a list of several websites that I’ve come across with so many more tips and trick than I could compile in a list, yet. So I thought I’d highlight a few great ones and post links to their websites as well before I add them to my page for “$ave Green” here on my own site. Enjoy the savings!

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Soapberries(Soap Nuts), a natural laundry detergent & more!

The soap berry is a traditional, all natural cleaning product that literally grows on trees. Loaded with a natural detergent called saponin, the soap berry is a fantastic all natural way to clean your clothes. Put a few of the dried berries into the cotton wash sack provided and toss it into your washing machine. The soap berry is low-sudsing, which makes it ideal for HE machines. Non-toxic and 100% biodegradable.Soapberries (or Soap Nuts) have been used as a natural detergent for centuries. Soapberries come from the fruit of the trees of the Sapindus genus, from the family Sapindacea. There are around a dozen species; native to India, China, Southern Asia, parts of north and central America. The one most widely used for its detergent attributes is Sapindus mukorossi, known simply as the Soap Nut Tree or Chinese Soapberry.
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The Benefits of the Dead Sea!

The waters of the Dead Sea are unique, having a total salt concentration that is 10 times higher than ocean water, reaching 33 % versus 3%. This extraordinary chemical composition has made the Dead Sea an ideal spot for people seeking relief from skin and rheumatic disorders.
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